Nationale Lotterij


For two consecutive years, we have partnered up with the National Lottery. The biggest organization of lotteries in Belgium. Besides scratch tickets, they also have a portal full of online games called Woohoo. On this platform, there are different games to play ranging from short, animated lottery games to extended digital boardgames like Monopoly. The challenge for our participants was to create a fun, little game that is enjoyable to play regardless of the outcome.

Developing fun and engaging web games

The participants of 2 Games a Month received two weeks to build a solid prototype that is fun and rewarding to play. Easier said than done but our talented teams created some wonderful game prototypes. At the end of the sprint, the teams with games that show potential will be supported in bringing their game to the platform.

Dans les coulisses d'Effie: Woohoo! gagne le bronze ! - United Brands  Association

On the first day of the game sprint, we invited the people from the National Lottery to our office to kick off the game sprint. The participants had no idea what to expect. After the initial presentation and briefing, the participants started working right away and came up with the craziest game ideas. During those two weeks, the mentors were actively coaching the participants and providing feedback and user testing where needed. We also involved the people from the National Lottery at certain moments to provide valuable feedback. After two intense weeks, the sprint came to an end and the teams had to present their game prototypes to a jury consisting of the DAE Studios’ mentors and the people from the National Lottery.

Just like the first edition, the National Lottery was very pleased with the results of the teams.

We could see an improvement in the quality of the games compared to the previous edition since we were more familiar with the National Lottery and its focus so we could more effectively coach the teams where needed. In conclusion: a successful game sprint! Are you curious to see one of the games that was created during the first 2 Games a Month collaboration?

Check out Lucky Mine on Woohoo. 


DAE Studios’ 2 Games a Month program

DAE Studios’ focus is to incubate and accelerate future entrepreneurs in the gaming industry. 2-Games-a-Month is the go-to incubation program in Belgium. A meeting place for developers who love the indie game development scene. By following this program, participants are coached in the art of fast game prototyping because being able to validate a game concept in an early phase is a vital skill for future entrepreneurs. On top of that, participants learn the ins and outs of the game industry by listening to experts, learning how to make a communication plan, and writing a subsidy application.

Participants who finish the program and want to start their own company can then apply for the incubator program where they’ll get the support, they need to develop their first IP. DAE Studios is the path to expertise, financial resources, network, and talent.

Interesting read?

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Are you interested in participating in the 2 Games a Month program to create some amazing games? Let’s have a chat!