Are you interested in game development? Want to know more about the indie game scene? Are you eager to learn? Are you willing to share your experience with others? Do you want to find like-minded souls to create games with? Do you want to have a great time? If the answer is yes to one of those questions, then you should join The Indie Brewery!
Over the past few weeks, we have been working on a new community initiative for the Belgian game dev scene. The reason for this is that we noticed fragmentation when it comes to knowledge sharing. Everyone is sharing interesting information within their own little network which is a shame because our industry could grow way quicker if we’d share all of our learnings in a single place.
Click here to join The Indie Brewery! The Indie Brewery is a community initiative for anyone interested in the indie game scene. The goal of this server is to talk about game development, share knowledge and connect with like-minded people. Sharing links to interesting articles / studies / deep dives is actively encouraged! We build each other up and help each other out! We make each other more successful!
Are you passionate about the creation of video games? Do you dream of having your own indie game studio or joining one someday? Do you have eyes, ears, and a learning mindset? Then you’ve come to the right address! DAE Studios is actively looking for videogame enthusiasts to join 2 games a month! Whether you are a game designer, game developer, programmer, artist, marketer, producer, or a mixture of some. You are all welcome to 2 Games a Month!
DAE Studios is a spin off from the Howest University of Applied Sciences initiated by the educational program Digital Arts & Entertainment.
Nelson Mandelaplein 2,
8500 Kortrijk